
The story of Kid follows a seventeen-year-old girl named Madison Perez. She's the only child, and her parents are divorced. She doesn't know her father since her mother moved her away to Phoenix from California when she was a baby.
Her mother, Susan, remarried to a man named, Terry. He wasn't thrilled about children, and with Madison's mother eager to please her new husband, Madison spent most of her time alone. Madison enjoyed things other kids her age didn't. She was obsessed with movies and crime thriller novels. It helped her escape the world of her stepfather.
As she grew older and matured, Terry began to show her more attention, and it got to the point where Madison decided to save money and run away from home.
On the streets, Madison gets mixed up with the wrong people and finds herself at a drug dealer's, Tommie, mercy. To pay off a friend's debt, Madison takes a job.
"Go steal a car for me and I'll give you a bit of the take."
Forced to make a choice: die or do this one job to gain a little money, Madison takes the deal and finds herself at an apartment building. The drug dealer points out a red Chevelle. He hands her a hanger and a screwdriver. Madison isn't a car thief but manages to get into the car, but as she's hot-wiring it, the owner catches her.
Alex Ryan.
A twenty-eight-year-old guy and a rival drug dealer. He's a criminal with a long rap sheet, tattoos and piercings, and a hot temper. He points a gun at her head and demands to know why she’s trying to steal his car. Madison realizes she was sent on a suicide mission and thinks she's going to die until Alex asks her one question.
"Did Tommie send you?"
Madison looks up at her would-be killer and is shocked. He's gorgeous with soft blue eyes and a wicked smile. She's immediately smitten. Alex's an asshole, who doesn’t give a shit about anyone, but there’s something different about Madison.
He feels terrible for her, because she's 'just a kid' and offers to take her off the streets. She agrees, knowing full-well this infatuation of hers will deepen, but also crush her.
Alex is older, and a bad boy, and falling for him is forbidden and wrong. The law says so, but Madison doesn't care about the disaster it would cause and isn't afraid to show her attraction. Alex knows the dangers too, feeling something for her, but not wanting to bring her down into his world.
By taking her into his home and getting too close to her, it will only lead to him fucking it up and doing something he knows, is not only morally wrong but would ruin the girl he swore to protect. He takes the advice of one of his most trusted friends and tries to ignore Madison.
No talking, no touching, and no friendship.
This causes Madison to feel low and abandoned. She spends her days hiding in Alex's room and contemplating whether or not she should run away from this situation.
But Alex always finds out about her plans and stops Madison from going with a smile.
Everything changes at a party when Madison sees Alex with a girl. She reacts like any young girl would and grabs the first guy she sees to make the object of her affection jealous.
It works like a charm.
Anger, jealousy, ownerships explodes as Alex forces himself to break the cold act, all his rules, and stop denying what they both felt since the beginning.
From there, a romance blossoms, but it's a dangerous one.
Madison makes the strict, meticulous, and severe Alex takes foolish risks, and Alex brings out the criminal in the sweet, innocent goody-goody Madison.
They can’t keep their hands off each other, and in their obsessive appetite for danger and each other, they steal a car, assault her stepfather, Terry, at a police station, and traumatize Madison’s mom at home.
They end up on the run.
Their crime spree doesn't stop there, Alex robs convenience stores to fund their trip. Money only last for so long. Alex knows the highs and lows of cash flow.
Alex tries to keep hush-hush about his past, but Madison is different. She knows his deepest, darkest secret, and the one he keeps quiet is the fact Alex comes from a wealthy family.
He’s the son of an oil heiress and a US senator. Madison learns that Alex is a runaway, and jumped into the life of crime, because to him, "It was the better option."
Traveling throughout the states and never staying in one place for too long, everything they’ve been running from comes to a head in St. Louis. Alex's past comes crashing into them when they encounter a friend of Alex’s influential father, Senator Julian Ryan.
A plan to seek revenge formulates.
If he can blackmail Senator Ryan to get the charges of assault and battery dropped for Alex and Madison in Arizona, then Alex won’t release the photos of his father’s philandering ways. “How would mom feel about you and these women?”
But what started as a way to get a man to fess up to the sins against his son, and get charges dropped, ends up being a bigger crime, and broadcast nationally.
Every news station knows their names and faces.
They’re wanted in every state.
Alex and Madison can't run anymore.

Kid is about love and romance so rare, it's filled with insane passion, insatiable lust, and all the need for the forbidden. A modern take on the most dangerous and deadliest couple, Bonnie and Clyde.
Pre-order today.
Release date: June 15, 2018


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