The story of Kid follows a seventeen-year-old girl named Madison Perez. She's the only child, and her parents are divorced. She doesn't know her father since her mother moved her away to Phoenix from California when she was a baby. Her mother, Susan, remarried to a man named, Terry. He wasn't thrilled about children, and with Madison's mother eager to please her new husband, Madison spent most of her time alone. Madison enjoyed things other kids her age didn't. She was obsessed with movies and crime thriller novels. It helped her escape the world of her stepfather. As she grew older and matured, Terry began to show her more attention, and it got to the point where Madison decided to save money and run away from home. On the streets, Madison gets mixed up with the wrong people and finds herself at a drug dealer's, Tommie, mercy. To pay off a friend's debt, Madison takes a job. "Go steal a car for me and I'll give you a bit of the take."...